Saturday, 27 of July of 2024


Welcome to Our Family History web site. On this web site you will find genealogical information for two family lines. One family line includes the surnames of Bauman, Kipp, Nelson, and Wilcox plus others. The other family line includes the surnames of Erickson, Selgeby, Sutton, and Westbrook plus others.

There are links on the far right of this page to access the main page for these two family lines. On the main pages you will also find a link to a Photo Gallery. While the genealogy pages include some photos, the Photo Gallery includes a substantially larger number of older black and white photos.

Information and photos on this web site include contributions by many individuals. I want to extend my appreciation and thanks for their contributions.

We will also use this page to highlight revisions or additions. On the genealogical pages you may continue to click on “What’s New” to get more detail of changes and additions. One use of this blog will be to supplement that information.

We will also be providing links to other genealogy web sites that may be of interest.

We invite you to post questions, comments, or corrections to the content of the web site.

There are two links to photography websites.  The sites contain a variety of photos which I have taken.

Thank you for visiting.
